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AKS Removals and Significant Changes in Kubernetes 1.25

Changes in AKS

Starting from Kubernetes version 1.25, AKS nodes will adopt cgroupsv2 as the default cgroups implementation. However, it's important to note that older versions of Java and .NET Core do not support memory querying with cgroupsv2 memory constraints. This may result in out-of-memory (OOM) issues for certain workloads. To avoid such problems, we strongly recommend testing your applications for cgroupsv2 compliance. You can find additional information in the FAQ dedicated to cgroupsv2.

To ensure compatibility with cgroupsv2, please make the following updates:

  • For Java applications, kindly update to JDK 15 or a later version.
  • For .NET Core applications, please update to dotnet core 6.0 version 15 or a later release.

Kubernetes Changes

The following changes in Kubernetes 1.25 are already managed by the Open Policy Agent. Using legacy API versions may trigger warning messages. The changes include:

  • The CronJob API has been promoted to a stable API, new version is batch/v1.
  • The HorizontalPodAutoscaler API has been promoted to a stable API, new version is batch/v1.
  • The Event API has been promoted to a stable API, new version is batch/v1.

more details here

Kubernetes Retirement

With the release of Kubernetes 1.25, the PodDisruptionBudget has been removed and replaced by the PodSecurity Admission Controller. Please consider updating your configurations accordingly to accommodate this change.